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A family garden in Kingston

A family garden in Kingston

Slender silver birch provide attractive screening

Magnolia grandiflora screens the garage and box shaped evergreen oak add height and interest around the water feature

Specially commissioned for the garden, a wire mesh sculpture by Michelle Castles

Bubble jet fountain

The bubble fountain is designed to be used all day

Box leaf cubes at each corner of the lawn create a sculptural effect

Shady spot on a hot day

Silver birch, hydrangeas and box provde the basis of a simple, contemporary planting scheme

Before photos

Garden in Kingston Hill


My clients felt their garden was shrinking before their very eyes; the mass of shrubs planted along the boundary line had grown too large and was gradually eating into the lawn, making the space seem smaller. Furthermore their view from the house was dominated by an unattractive garage wall, summerhouse and two large trees under which nothing would grow.


My brief was to improve the view with a strong, simple design and emphasis on planting. My clients liked the formality of topiary and box hedging but also wanted seasonal colour.


In the new design, paths create a journey around the garden and link the disparate garden buildings more effectively. A raised pond with bubble fountains provides a focal point. The addition of irrigation and plants which tolerate dry shade allowed me to create a green backdrop for the garden and a foil for the water feature and new metal sculpture in the garden. Painting the existing fence black brings together old and mismatched fencing giving a much smarter, cohesive look.

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